

Banco de questões: Passado Contínuo

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Questão 1:


While Lila was preparing dinner, she received an unexpected phone call that changed her plans for the evening. The caller, her neighbor, informed her that her best friend Abby had been taken to the hospital after experiencing a severe convulsion. Lila immediately left her cooking and rushed to the hospital. Upon arriving, she found Abby in the emergency room and was told by the medical staff that they had witnessed the convulsions and provided help. Reflecting on the events, Lila must describe the sequence of actions taken by the medical staff when they were attending to Abby during her convulsion. Using the past continuous tense, write a detailed account of the moments leading to Lila's arrival in the emergency room and the initial medical response to Abby's convulsion. Include descriptions of what the medical staff ‘was doing’ and what they ‘weren't doing’, based on Lila's observations when she first encountered them in the emergency room.
Passado Contínuo
Originais Teachy
Questão 2:

Muito Difícil

Imagine that you are a linguistics researcher analyzing the usage of the Past Continuous tense in a series of historical documents. You come across a collection of letters written by a renowned author during the early 20th century. In one of the letters, the author reflects on an event that was unfolding at the time. Based on the context provided by the letter, construct a detailed analysis of the author's use of the Past Continuous tense, discussing how it conveys the ongoing nature of the event and the author's perspective. Consider the implications of the tense choice on the reader's understanding of the historical event. Your analysis should include a discussion of at least three linguistic features that are characteristic of the Past Continuous tense and their specific role in the author's expression of the ongoing action.
Passado Contínuo
Originais Teachy
Questão 3:

Muito Fácil

Identifique o verbo na forma correta do passado contínuo que completa a seguinte frase: 'While I was reading, he was ________ in the garden.' Explique brevemente o uso do passado contínuo para descrever ações que estavam ocorrendo simultaneamente no passado e que podem ter alguma relação com o presente.'
Passado Contínuo
Originais Teachy
Questão 4:


What was Emma doing while she was waiting for her friend?
Passado Contínuo
Originais Teachy
Questão 5:


During the early 20th century, the Industrial Revolution had a profound impact on the socio-economic and cultural conditions of the time. One of the most significant changes was the transition from agricultural to industrial labor, which often involved long, arduous workdays in factories. In the context of this historical period, consider the diary entry of a factory worker from the year 1915, which vividly describes their routine using the past continuous tense to emphasize the ongoing nature of their activities: 'I was working tirelessly on the assembly line when the foreman was shouting orders from across the floor.' Analyzing the use of the past continuous tense in this diary entry, discuss how it reflects the nature of the worker's daily experiences and the persistent demands of industrial labor. Additionally, consider the linguistic implications of the past continuous tense in portraying the continuity of actions in the past and how this grammatical aspect can be used to express the historical impact of the Industrial Revolution on individual lives.
Passado Contínuo
Originais Teachy
Iara Tip


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