
Questão sobre Frases Negativas: Introdução


Originais Teachy

Frases Negativas: Introdução


(Originais Teachy 2024) - Questão Fácil de Inglês

When we want to say that something is not true, like 'I don't like carrots' or 'She doesn't play soccer', we use negative sentences in English. Negative sentences help us express what we don't do or don't like. Now, imagine you have a friend who loves ice cream, and you want to say that you don't like ice cream at all. Write a sentence in English using the word 'not' to tell your friend that you don't like ice cream. Remember to start your sentence with 'I'.


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Rewrite the following sentence using the comparative form of the adjectives provided and explaining how the change impacts the meaning of the sentence: 'The elephant is big, but the hippo is bigger.' Use the adjectives 'big' and 'heavy' to create a sentence that includes both the comparative and superlative forms. Then, relate the concept of size and weight to physics, explaining how the mass of these animals relates to concepts of force and acceleration, and discuss the implications of these differences in a hypothetical scenario where both animals are required to climb a steep hill.

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In today's globalized world, the English language plays a pivotal role in various aspects of our lives, such as communication, education, and business. It is not only a tool for connecting with people from different cultures, but also a key asset in accessing information and opportunities worldwide. Discuss how the relevance of English has expanded beyond being just a language and has become an essential skill for success in the modern world. Consider its impact on areas like entertainment, academic research, and international career prospects, and provide examples to support your argument.

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Analyze the following excerpt from an advertisement and consider the stylistic and persuasive language features used to influence the audience. 'The pinnacle of luxury and innovation. Indulge in the flawless sophistication of our latest model, where every detail has been crafted to redefine excellence. Through a seamless fusion of technology and artistry, this vehicle epitomizes elegance in motion. Experience the future of driving, tailored to exceed the expectations of the most discerning drivers.' Thinking critically about the language choices and the underlying rhetorical strategies in the advertisement, answer the following questions: 1. How does the advertisement use language and rhetorical techniques to create an image of the product as sophisticated and advanced? 2. Discuss how the advertisement employs the concept of 'ethos, logos, and pathos' to appeal to the target audience and the potential impact of these appeals on consumer behavior.

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